Will teeth whitening treatments affect your metabolism?

Dr. Vinita Tekchandani

Dr. Vinita Tekchandani Masters Degree In Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

August 11th, 2023

Teeth whitening is an in-office dental procedure to make your teeth look whiter and brighter. It involves using special products to remove stains and discoloration from your teeth, making them appear cleaner and more attractive.

It’s similar to using a magic eraser to remove stains and restore shine to your teeth. You might be aware of this. On the contrary, some people believe that the teeth whitening process would lead to metabolic syndrome, increasing the risk of developing heart diseases, etc. The sensitive feel in the teeth after whitening makes them believe this myth strongly.

How does our body’s metabolism work?

Metabolism is the complex biochemical process within the body to maintain life and energy. The regulation of these body metabolism involves a range of factors, including genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health. Likely, there is a link between oral inflammation and metabolic syndrome. However, it does not mean having a dental illness or dental treatments will hurt your metabolism.

Will teeth whitening affect your body’s metabolism?

Even though some medications are powerful to affect the body’s metabolism, there is no proof indicating that teeth-bleaching products would ruin a person’s metabolism. Remember that teeth whitening and body metabolism are two completely unrelated concepts that can accidentally intersect. Comparing teeth whitening to body metabolism is a bit like saying that a cool haircut could make your hair fall out. Teeth whitening uses special stuff, like gels or methods to restore the natural appearance of your teeth. It is just like using special soap which can make your clothes super clean.

The things they use for teeth whitening don’t mess with your body’s chemicals that make it work. Sometimes, after teeth whitening, your teeth might feel sensitive or different. This happens because the special stuff they use which will interact with your teeth and the nerves in your mouth, not because it changes how your whole body works. Simply, teeth whitening does not have a direct impact on the factors that regulate the body’s metabolism.

Why should we consult a dentist for teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening products used by dentists are safe and do not cause any negative consequences. On the contrary, some bleaching agents available in medical stores are composed of ingredients that will cause allergic responses in your body. The misbelief might begin after attempting to bleach the teeth with such products. As Dentists understand how teeth, gums, and the rest of your body are connected, they can make sure that the products or treatments won’t harm your body’s metabolism or cause any problems. Moreover, they have the knowledge to choose safe methods for whitening your teeth that won’t cause unwanted side effects. So, talking to a dentist is important to make sure you’re making a good choice for both your teeth and your overall health.

Bottom line

Some people might get confused about how teeth whitening could affect the whole body. This might come from the fact that looking good and also feeling healthy. Also, the internet and social media can quickly spread wrong or exaggerated information. When people see this info without checking if it’s true, they might get even more confused. When people read these exciting stories online, they might believe them without checking if they’re real. This is where the confusion happens. They might think teeth whitening has something to do with how their body works, even if it doesn’t. It is strongly recommended that you seek guidance from a healthcare professional or a dentist. They possess the expertise to provide you with accurate information tailored to your circumstances, as well as any recent advancements in the field.

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