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How To Stop Tooth Decay?

Dr. Vinita Tekchandani

Dr. Vinita Tekchandani Masters Degree In Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

August 13th, 2024

Tooth decay is a common dental issue that can lead to more serious oral health problems if left untreated. It occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack the enamel of the teeth, leading to cavities and other dental concerns. However, tooth decay is largely preventable with the proper knowledge and practices. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to stop tooth decay and maintain a healthy smile.

1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

To get to the root of fighting tooth decay, one must establish proper dental care. This includes brushing your teeth in the morning and before going to bed using fluoride toothpaste and flossing your teeth every single day. Brushing should be for a minimum of two minutes to ensure that all parts of the teeth are cleaned and all the substances that lead to decay are removed. Flossing is done to remove plaque between the teeth that the brush bristles cannot access; in addition, flossing will spare you the agony of having the plaque turn into what is termed tartar.

2. Limit Sugary and Acidic Foods

How To Stop Tooth Decay?

Three common types of oral pathogens that are well known to cause dental caries are streptococcus mutans, lactobacillus acidophilus, and bacterium microcosm. The sugars contained in these items are ingested, and when the bacteria in the mouth metabolize the sugars to acids, the tooth enamel is demineralized. To lessen the possibility of getting decayed teeth, avoid taking foods rich in sugar and soft aerated drinks and eating acidic fruits. Thus, we decided to include calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A and C into the list of nutrients that are necessary for maintaining the oral cavity’s health and choosing a balanced diet.

3. Stay Hydrated

How To Stop Tooth Decay?

Regarding oral hygiene, it is also significant to note that it is important to consume water in large amounts. Water assists in removing food remains and other materials from the teeth and gums. It also reduces the concentration of acid in our mouth and promotes saliva secretion, which enhances the recrystallization of tooth enamel and thus prevents dental caries.

4. Use Fluoride

How To Stop Tooth Decay?

Fluoride is a mineral that helps to reduce cavities, which is the process of decay within the mouth. It also plays an important role in increasing the thickness of the tooth enamel to enable it to withstand severe corrosive attacks. Make sure you are using fluoride toothpaste and also use fluoride mouthwash if available. Other sources with fluoridated water systems include public water systems, which also help to increase the fluoride levels in your body.

5. Regular Dental Checkups

How To Stop Tooth Decay?

A proper visit scheduled with the dentist is very important in avoiding dental cavities. One of the key advantages of regular checkups is that your dentist can remove the deposits of parsley and bone that you may have failed to remove, look for cavities, and then apply certain coatings, namely dental sealants or fluorides. One more crucial benefit of tertiary prevention is the possibility of identifying the processes of decay at an early stage. At the same time, the issue can be solved with less drastic interventions qualified as secondary prevention.

6. Avoid Tobacco Products

Smoking is also another major cause of cavities and other gum diseases, all of which cause utter discomfort to an individual. It can cause the formation of tartar, lead to the development of oral halitosis, and increase the probability of oral cancer. You are likely to notice general health and well-being changes and also maintain healthier teeth by avoiding tobacco products.

7. Consider Dental Sealants

How To Stop Tooth Decay?

Dental sealants are coverings that can be placed on the pitting or grooving of back teeth or molars and premolars. Thus, they can help discourage decay by shielding the areas in the grooves and pits of such teeth from plaque and food particles that may be challenging to remove using just a toothbrush and floss.

8. Educate Yourself and Others

How To Stop Tooth Decay?

Knowledge of the causes of tooth decay and methods of its prevention is vital when it comes to dental care. Learn about good oral health care practices and pass this knowledge to the community that you live in. The best predictor of avoiding tooth decay is the level of understanding that one possesses.


Cavities are easily avoidable and can be treated by practicing good oral hygiene, healthy dieting, and routine dental checkups. When you adhere to the suggestions above, you stand to minimize the risk of oral cavitations and experience a lifetime of sound and attractive teeth. 

Frequently asked question

+ What are the best ways to prevent tooth decay?

Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss daily, limit sugary and acidic foods, stay hydrated, visit your dentist regularly, and avoid tobacco.

+ How often should I visit the dentist to prevent tooth decay?

Aim for at least two dental visits per year for checkups and cleanings.

+ Can diet affect tooth decay?

Yes, a diet high in sugar and acid can increase the risk of tooth decay.

+ What is the role of Fluoride in preventing tooth decay?

Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and makes it more resistant to acid attacks.

+ Are dental sealants effective in preventing tooth decay?

Yes, dental sealants protect the chewing surfaces of back teeth from plaque and food particles, reducing the risk of decay.

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